The ALLIED Show, hosted by Chris McCarroll, shares real and relatable interviews from health, fitness and medical and technology business leaders from all over the world.
Heston Russell: Leadership and Values
In this episode, Chris chats with Heston Russell, a former Special Forces Major, who is putting his lived experience to good use, helping Aussies as we navigate life post pandemic.
After suffering through his own mental health issues culminating with his suicidal ideation in August 2020, Heston is on a mission to break down the stigmas surrounding mental health and vulnerability.
In order to best serve and support as many people as he can, Heston set about forming the Australian Values Party. The AVP is a new age, completely independent political party, assembling a team of everyday Australians with lived experience, with the focus to bring balance and authentic leadership into Australian Federal Politics.
Find out more about Heston:
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